Welcome to Sanjeevani Social Welfare Society

Sanjeevani works to promote and encourage child education in tribal areas. We provide mobile clinics in remote tribal villages of Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh.

We also do corrective surgeries of children suffering from congenital deformities. We conduct therapy sessions like-Physiotherapy, Yoga therapy, Music therapy, Speech therapy and other kind of therapies for Cerebral palsy-affected children.

We also work in area of livelihood creation and promotion. We have been supporting tribal villages of Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh for creating sustained livelihood means.

We are also doing Community Level Services spreading awareness through Mass Mobilisation and sensitization campaigns at the village level on the issues like –Sanitation , Cleanliness ,Personal Hygiene by using Sanitary Pads by women and adolescent girls, De-addiction from the ill effects of Alcohol and Tobacco consumption and proper nutrition during pregnancy so as to minimise Disability and for infant malnutrition.

Medical Aid camps at different remote Tribal villages providing Health check-up and distributing medicines to the needy sufferers.

Mass Sensitization on the issues related to Malnutrition among the Tribal Community. Promoting on a mass scale the usefulness of Moringa plant as a dietary supplement. Planting Moringa plant on large scale and distributing seeds to the Tribal community by door to door campaign so that their health and economy can be improved.  Read more…


“Illuminating lives, empowering futures : A world where every individual, regardless of ability, can thrive with dignity.”


Our mission is to provide inclusive education, healthcare, and social empowerment to marginalized communities, with a special focus on children with disabilities. We strive to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed and reach their full potential.

Core Values

  1. Inclusivity: We believe in creating a society where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed.
  2. Empathy: We understand the challenges faced by marginalized communities and strive to provide compassionate support.
  3. Excellence: We are committed to delivering high-quality services that make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Increase access to inclusive education for children with disabilities.
  2. Improve healthcare outcomes for marginalized communities.
  3. Enhance social empowerment and community engagement.
  4. Strengthen partnerships and collaborations to amplify our impact.

Future Plan

Our future plan includes:

  1. Establishing inclusive education centers for children with disabilities.
  2. Expanding healthcare services, including medical camps and rehabilitation programs.
  3. Promoting social empowerment through community engagement, advocacy, and capacity building.
  4. Strengthening partnerships with stakeholders to amplify our impact.

Key Differentiators

  1. Holistic approach: Sanjeevani addresses the multifaceted needs of marginalized communities, including education, healthcare, and social empowerment.
  2. Inclusive education: Sanjeevani provides inclusive education to children with disabilities, promoting equal opportunities and social integration.
  3. Community engagement: Sanjeevani engages with local communities to raise awareness, promote social inclusion, and foster partnerships for sustainable impact.

Impact Statement

Sanjeevani Social Welfare Society is committed to creating a society where every individual, regardless of ability or background, has equal opportunities to thrive. We strive to empower marginalized communities, promote social inclusion, and foster a culture of compassion and empathy.


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Sanjeevani-Awareness Sanjeevani Social Welfare Society

Sanjeevani%20Health%20care Sanjeevani Social Welfare Society

DSC_0303-scaled Sanjeevani Social Welfare Society
26 Jan 2025

76वें गणतंत्र दिवस पर संजीवनी संस्थान का अद्भुत आयोजन

आज संजीवनी संस्थान, जरियारी, दानगंज (वाराणसी) में दिव्यांग बच्चों ने अपनी कला और उत्साह से सभी का दिल जीत लिया। उन्होंने रंगोली बनाई, फूल-पत्तों से सजावट की और देशभक्ति गीतों पर नृत्य प्रस्तुत किए। उनकी प्रतिभा और आत्मविश्वास ने हर किसी को प्रेरित किया। संजीवनी बाल मंदिर, सोनभद्र के बच्चों ने भी देशभक्ति की भावना …

DSC_0059-scaled Sanjeevani Social Welfare Society
13 Jan 2025

आओ बाँटें खुशियाँ” संगोष्ठी: दिव्यांग जनों की सेवा से समाज को नई दिशादानगंज, वाराणसी, 13 जनवरी।

मकर संक्रांति की पूर्व संध्या पर संजीवनी सोशल वेलफेयर सोसाइटी द्वारा जरियारी, दानगंज स्थित संजीवनी संस्थान में दिव्यांग बच्चों के साथ “आओ बाँटें खुशियाँ” कार्यक्रम और खिचड़ी सहभोज का आयोजन किया गया।श्री काशी विश्वनाथ न्यास के अध्यक्ष प्रो. नागेंद्र पांडेय ने कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ किया और कहा, “दिव्यांग जन की सेवा से बड़ा कोई पुनीत …

Our Supporters
